More than just a regulatory watch
Anticipate the future regulatory status
of your hazardous substances
At EcoMundo, we follow the development of chemical substances through the various stages of the integrated regulatory strategy of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), which encompasses the different stages of analysis of a substance or group of substances, and any regulatory action that may result (see diagram).
The benefits of managing
product obsolescence

Avoid the explosion of costs associated with scrambling for late compliance (e.g. application for authorization, reformulation following the adoption of a restriction, etc.).

Possibility, via several stages upstream of substance regulation, of arguing the criticality of a substance, especially when no technical alternative is yet available on the market to replace it.

Reduce commercial risks and secure your contracts.

Opportunity to develop new, more sustainable processes/alternatives.
Several forms of service
to suit your preferences
Case study –
The regulatory situation for lead
This advanced service enables us, for example, to monitor the situation and regulatory trajectory of a substance or a portfolio of substances over a given period.
As part of a regulatory follow-up on lead metal for a business federation, EcoMundo initiated an analysis of the potential regulation of lead metal. The aim was to provide an indicative timetable for the next steps in the regulation of lead after its inclusion in the register of intentions for inclusion on the SVHC list. EcoMundo's analysis also offered companies impacted by the use of lead metal the opportunity to anticipate the next regulatory steps, in order to highlight (via public consultations in particular) the criticality of the substance and the problem of the obsolescence of their processes with regard to the use of the substance. In addition, companies need to assess the merits of initiating research into alternative processes, in order to anticipate the obsolescence of their current processes following the introduction of new regulations.
The agenda proposed to the customer following the draft substance recommendation is presented below:

Thanks to the expertise we have developed over many years, and the long-standing relationships of trust we have built up with the authorities, we are in a position to offer a global vision of the future of hazardous substances.
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Example of the document you'll receive to track your substances if you call on EcoMundo's experts to assess your regulatory risk