Food Suplements: Everything you should know about the sale of food supplements on Amazon EU

Wednesday, March 29th 2023 - 11 a.m CET- 45 minutes

As a food supplement supplier on Amazon, it's important to ensure that your products meet the strict regulations set by Amazon and the local laws (EU and UK regulations). Stay ahead of the game and build trust with your customers by complying with all applicable laws and guidelines. Join our webinar to successfully sell food supplement on Amazon!



💡 In recent months or years, the sale of dietary supplements on Amazon in Europe has become increasingly complicated, due to stricter regulations on the platform. Indeed, Amazon has modified some of the requirements to obtain its approval and thus be able to sell via the platform.

In addition to Amazon's specific rules, products sold in the EU must still comply with the Directive for food supplements (Directive 2002/46/EC) as well as local regulations in the countries where they are sold. 

✅ If you aim to sell dietary supplements on Amazon EU and want to ensure that they are approved on the platform, this webinar will answer your questions about the recent approval policy changes and their implications for your brand.

The agenda:

  • Requirements for selling your products on Amazon
  • Local laws - EU and UK Regulatory framework
  • Introducing EcoMundo's regulatory services to help Amazon sellers meet new requirements.


Médaillon_Jeanne_Noir et blanc

Jeanne Pontisso

Business Developer 📍 Paris, France

Graduated from Grenoble INP - PHELMA engineering school in the biomedical field, Jeanne is now Business Developer at EcoMundo for health, biocides and home care products. 


Sophie Remacle

Regulatory Affairs Officer 📍 Paris, France

After various experiences in the food industry and regulatory affairs, Sophie brings her expertise on Biocides, REACH and PCN issues as a Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Officer.